How are you hearing no difference?

In my experience, I've never heard two pre-amps that sound exactly the same, nor two DACs that sound the same, nor two amps...etc. Yet, occasionally someone will claim that they heard no difference between Product A and Product B in their system.  I find it difficult to believe.
Not hard to believe. People hear differently. I grade all my albums on sound quality, (class A, B, C, D, and F). When I have others over to listen there is almost always disagreement, with incredulous looks, over differences in opinion. YMMV...

@mzkmxcv +1

@4hannons Ask your friend to use the same preamp without telling you for the same track at the same SPL level. May be you will find more often than not that you think you can hear a difference. A good experiment which is repeatable will help you run it multiple times, this will help you factor out irrelevant variables. You have to run the experiment many times (many many times) and then try to look at the distribution of the result.

Then reason (sometimes use basic probability theory to get concrete justification) about the result. Like for example if you ran the experiment 10 times and 7 out of 10 times you can hear a difference then something is not right. But 9 out of 10 times you hear no difference, yeah they are the same preamp and this makes sense. So running it more times makes it more easy to reason the distribution of the result, like here 10 is a bad example for some tests.

Do the same with different preamps, sure some preamps do sound different. But it is good to do it this way rather than spending a week with one preamp and a week another one and drawing a conclusion. Which is fine to get an impression, but statistically meaning less.
As a new audiophile I find that any number of tweaks and improvements suggested make no appreciable difference to me.....while others make big differences. Speaker position for me is one of those things I notice right away. Small changes. Even head position can make a difference for me.

And then there are differences that I can perceive but have a hard time saying which is better. To me that is the real hard thing. And it also makes me wonder if different but equal SQ doesn't suck some people into constant changes and 'upgrades' which might only actually be lateral moves???

Really funny, I do nothing but blind listening, and have no problem hearing differences between components.... Yep, I listen only with my ears *Grins!*


Listening with just your ears does not eliminate the effects of psychoacoustics.