Can anyone help me remove a stuck fuse holder from my tube amp?

Hello, Two of my KT-150 Power tubes blew the other night and took out two fuses. I can remove one fuse, but I cannot remove the other fuse from the holder. It should pop-up when you turn the screw a quarter turn counter clock-wise.

I am at a loss. I don't want to damage anything.

Thank you very much,

I just did this the other day to remove a hard to reach (with my fingers) fuse. I used a piece of wire that would bend to my will and looped it under the fuse, grabbed a hold of both ends and pulled.  Out it popped!
I use cotton swabs and tooth picks. Once I get the main body of the blown fuse out I moisten the cotton swap with a little isopropyl alcohol to get any small pieces out.