Thoughts on Big Star

I've read a little about Big Star after getting two of their songs on a southern music CD sampler. I really like "For You" and "Stroke it Noel". After sampling some of their other stuff I found that I also like "September Gurls".

I really like those three songs but I'm having a hard time finding other stuff of theirs that I like.

Just wondering if anyone else is into them, which albums you might like best, which songs you like best, best approach to getting into them, which recordings/format you prefer? 

They seem to have been one of those 'influential' bands with critical acclaim and with a strong but small following. Sometimes I find that I just don't see the magic in some 'cult' bands of that sort but liking the three songs mentioned above I feel like they might be worth getting to know. My only streaming is low end iTunes....for now.
Big Star is an American Treasure.  Church!
Once you hear one of their albums you will want them all.  Problem is, they weren't around long enough to record much material.  
There is no risk in this.  Just do it.
Alex Chilton: complex, talented, flawed, brilliant, difficult, creative, genius, never to be forgotten.
Its funny, William Eggleston is a photographer I've admired for some time. One if his signature photos is the cover of Radio City. I've never been sure on which side of the camera Eggleston's genius exists as getting people to like and admire his spare, stark and often seemingly meaningless compositions might be where he real talent is. Either way, his stuff is compelling to me.

Big Star is another band with two visionaries/songwriters/singers, each very different from each other in some ways, similar in others. Others have included The Beatles, The Stones, Rockpile, The dB's, Uncle Tupelo, The Jayhawks, and The Move.

Though Alex Chilton gets more attention, Chris Bell was just as interesting, as well as troubled. He died at only 27 years old.

The brief combination of Chilton/Bell was unique and special. Their voices together were wonderful, their musical collaborations sublime. Alex sang harmony with Chris on his You and Your Sister from Bell's I Am The Cosmos, which, I believe, was the last time the two recorded together. Chris is greatly missed.