Beware of new material claims - the case of graphene

Given that graphene is quite the in vogue material for audio applications I wonder how many (if any) of the vendors selling this are actually sourcing the real thing?
Somebody’s ptss is kicking in. Reading comprehension is apparently not your forte. They’ve been making things with Graphene for many years. 
Graphene is being sold in bulk to specialty applications.  In bulk, it 's relatively inexpensive.  Here are three examples

Graphene in solution single layer
Graphine in power
Graphine in a tennis racket  

I suspect that PPS doesn't pay much for their graphene either (or SR) but there's the other components and design which should be paid for in their final products.  Despite the lack of an scientific or engineering explanation of how PPS and SR works. I buy the products because they work.
Graphene-spiked silly putty picks up human pulse.
I wasn't spreading nonsense or lies.