Cartridge recommendations

Need a need a new Cartridge for my Marantz Tt150. Want a good cartridge without breaking the bank. 300-500 range. Someone recommend ortofon 2m I making a mistake not spending more? Seems you can go crazy with cartridge costs.I have a Prima Luna primium hp, a pro ject ds tube phono stage and a pair of Focal Electra 1028 Be. Appreciate your input.
Thanks for the recommendations. In your opinion Hana EL vs SL

$400 vs $650 Is there a big difference, and whats your input. I know I said I wanted to keep my budget down though I don’t want to be penny wise and lb foolish. 
Hana are very nice cartridges, but how can anybody say it is the best MM cartridge out there? You can’t. IMO there are better MM carts out there, but you will pay a little to a lot more $$$. Also, how easy is it to retip or rebuild them in the future? Can it be done? How much? I can rebuild my soundsmith for the cheap instead of spending big bucks down the line.