PS Audio AC Regenerators

I would like to hear from fellow audiophiles who have recently bought and are currently listening to one of PS Audios new line of power regenerators, the P20, P15 or P12. I'm leaning toward buying one. Opinions please.
Update. Although I've read many rave reviews about the P20 and really wanted it, at $10,000 it was a bit out of my price range. I went ahead and bought the Equi=Tech Q2 balanced power conditioner for $4300 and also had an electrician come in and install a dedicated 20 amp line/outlet at a cost of $250. Resulted in a  big improvement to my system with the music sounding much clearer and more defined. I'm very happy with the Q2 and the dedicated 20A circuit.

I've bought through Audiogon an used P5 and I'm very satisfied.
Research used P10 or P5. No quality sound differences.
@jonaiken - Did you try a staggered start-up with you ARC amps? Could be a full-system surge, at turn-on, was causing too big a load for the P20.
Did you try firing them up one-at-a-time?
Dweller - I did try staggering one-at-a-time with no change in the results.  ARC amps drop my electrical outlet voltage reading by 5-6 volts when plugged directly into the outlets - so when I plug the amps into the P20 and turn them on they shut down after a few seconds. Consequently, I filter my ARC amps through Shunyata Denali 2000T’s - one for each amp and my amps are happy