Tube / SS amp that handles 4ohm loads well and delivers lively texture / palpability

For Triangle signature theta speakers. Real 90db(measured - most manufacturers would claim 94db) Minimum impedance 4.4ohm
amp or integrated. Low volume listening. I would drive an amp with a dac with included class A Ss preamp.

triangles have very sharp high frequencies (horn loaded tweeter) and need a very warm fullbodied amp with texture that manages to be still lively and fast and open.

that screams tube amp but in am concerned about bass performance an coherence as rock solid timing is my goal no.1 and full body my goal no.2 

I thought about el34 amps like lm211ia or class a amps like densen or valvet, class b like LFD.
Small and light gainclones would be nice as well if they can deliver the performance.

You need to audition a Linear Tube Audio UltraLinear tube amp. It delivers the most powerful, dynamic bass I’ve ever heard in a tube amp. It has the authority of Solid state with the sweetness of tubes with a totally black noiseless background.

LTA was on my radar, but I have read somewhere that it lacks on immediacy.

I wonder if Audio Note amps push 4ohm loads well. Even with complex music.
I'd recommend the ModWright 150 SE. Warm, detailed and fast. No problem with 4 ohm load.