How many pair of speakers do you own?

Since I am a self proclaimed speaker nut, I was trying to justify to my wife that having 5 pair of speakers is normal for an audiophilic addict. Curious also about what type, Dynamic, Planar, Single Driver etc; If you are member of this sight, you probably have a mania towards some component or other. Mine is Loudspeakers, which I learned early are 70% of your system. To me they may be >> 80%

One of my rich friend has 150 pairs of vintage speakers which will fetch around 10M $.

But I keep just three.
Combined new retail price is 70K$ much humbler than my friend.

You shall stock speakers worth  at least 1 M$.

Ha Ha.

Your wife may want to harass me.
Silverline 17
Silverline Minuette Supreme Plus
Silverline sr 11
Totem Rainmakers
Totem Dreamcatchers
EPOS elan 10
EPOS els
Tetra 120u

goin’ to clear the house someday!

At the moment, 6, recently pruned down from 7.

Thiel 2.7 (main speakers).
MBL 121 Radialstrahler speakers
Hales Transcendence 1 monitors (and Center)
Thiel 02
Spendor S3/5
Waveform Mach MC
Monitor Audio Bronze monitors

Recently sold my Thiel 3.7s (too many speakers!)

Currently have 9 pairs . Going to have to sell some off soon as theres no more room for more . Craigslist is the greatest for a speakerphile . Theres 3 pairs I am wanting to get right now on craigs . PBN Montana , Thiel 3.6 and Infinity rs11 . Almost forgot about a pair of Hales revelation 3 a customer of mine wants to sell to me for $600 . Most intrigued by that one as I have not heard that brand before . Going to buy that one unheard .