Micro Acoustics 2002e

Hello everyone. I have purchased a supposedly 'lightly used' MA 2002e. I was just curious to check out this cartridge because of the interesting sounding technology behind the design. Does anyone out there have any recent experience with this cartridge and/or a cartridge with similarly used technology? Thanks. This is Chris from California.
Wow! Blast from the past, as I bought two of those in succession back in the late 70's and early 80's.  It's a lovely cartridge.  The piezoelectric driver sounded great in my system back them (before I caught the high end bug).  I'd like to try one again, my memories are so fond.....

Relax and enjoy the music!
Thanks for your positive response jbrrp1. I have a few other cartridges more costly than this one, but I am really curious. You have me anticipating it's arrival. I will report on what I hear.
It was somewhat of a renowned design in its day, but that was about 40 years ago. The problem with cartridges of that age is that their suspension and damping elastomers usually harden and will not perform as they were designed to. Never know until you try it and hopefully it will work out well for you!