Wilson Audio paint problems

Hi - am I the only person who has experienced problems with Wislon Audio products? I bought a brand new pair of Sofia 2s and after about 12 months they developed cracking around the top and front edge. This has spread laterally at the top if the speaker. I approached the distributor who offered to take them to a Ferrari paint shop! I called Wilson Audio but the guy I was put through to did not return my calls.

I have since purchased a pair of Duettes on Audiogon. These too have developed a light crack down the side along one of the seams. I love Wilson speakers (I have the centre and sub/sub controller too). I have invested a lot of money in the brand but now feel completely unable to get my problems sorted. Looking on the web, there seems to be a lot about WA's commitment to the client. I just feel I can't get access to it!

Does anyone else have a similar experience or advice?
One person’s medicine is another’s poison. Wilsons aren't for everyone, but saying that you will avoid them at all cost implies that something is drastically wrong with them. I don't know why people degrade companies on Audiogon that they don't seem to have any experience with? After all, I've had a home audition of some of the components that you currently own and thought they offered horrible value, but I would never tell anyone to avoid them at all cost. I believe everyone should listen with their own ears and make their own conclusions. I submit that Wilson Audio owners are happy with the sound, quality, and first rate customer service of Wilson.
Ricred 1 .. I did not recommend to others to avoid Wilsons . Only that I would avoid them . Dave Wilson has impeccable taste and I will not try and destain his reputation . But when i hear consistent issues it makes this old man weary. I did not mean to offend . If you love your speakers don,t worry about what others think .
Obviously from this thread it seems like that a few people has had issues with the Wilson paint. I own a pair of Maxx 2 which were purchased as a demo unit from this website from a deal in the US and shipped to Bangkok Thailand. It has been in my custom build room for about 1.5 years now. A few week ago the paint along the joint near the tweeter cracked. I wanted to see if people who have had this paint problem with the Wilsons had the same problem at the joint area? Moreover does anyone have the problem in Asia, as it is pretty humid in Bangkok. I'm pretty heartbroken at the moment, as you invest this kind of money in a pair of speakers you don't expect this kind of problems.