Dynaudio C20 vs other monitors in the 4-7k range

A localish pair of these came available and I am wondering what the consensus is vs other premium monitors. Heard the C1s years ago and loved them.
Descent price but I would be driving over an hour each way. Figure I can at least break even on them if they don't work out. 
Would be driving them with a Lyngdorf TDIA 2170 crossed over to a JL Fathom sub.
Room dimensions around 12×14ft. 
Thanks in advance for any feedback. 
The Dynaudio's I've heard have a distinct house sound. IMO best for background / low volume listening where they can bring out details you'd otherwise miss.
Not all Dynaudio's fit this description. My advice is to listen at the levels you actually listen to and decide for yourself.
Dynaudios are generally quite power hungry. Be sure that your amp can supply the high current required by their mid bass drivers. Listen to some dynamic music with wide variations. They will play quite deep for their size. Well designed, with strong history of great sound!
Excellent quality but at least one owner on another forum sold his because he didn't get the bass output he was looking for? I wouldn't blame the speakers for that. Esotar 2 tweeter is considered one of the best. worth a listen for sure.