Old vs. new

I have a simple(maybe?) question for you guys, I have some new versions of albums that I’ve replaced from older vintage records that I’ve  had thinking they would sound better than my older ones, but they don’t, since vinyl  has made a comeback , we’re the older versions engineered and mixed for vinyl and now the new recordings not mixed to favor vinyls characteristics?

A major focus of Michael Fremer in his LP reissue reviews is the provenance of the tape used as the source for the new mastering of an old album. Seeing that a reissue is made from a digital source automatically disqualifies the LP for me. What's the point of buying a digital LP?!

New album releases on LP is a different matter, in that the corresponding CD in all probability contains far more electronic manipulation, and sounds worse, than the LP. While some contemporary recordings are made on analog multitrack recorders, many are done digitally. Not a desirable situation for music lovers with an audiophile bent who prefer the sound of analog, with it's well-known faults, to most digital, but that's out of their control. It's often a matter much like elections, voting for the lesser of two evils ;-) .

Are we the humans digital or binary? Our ''notional orientation''
always has two sides: old-new; above-below'', ''inside-outside''
etc. etc. Hegel the German philosopher talked about ''opposite 
terms'' and the ''opposite of the opposite'' till he got in his own
labyrinth of ''notions'' with no way out. His ''way out'' was '' the
unity of the opposites''. His problem was that he overlooked to
be talking about expressions or language.  Besides ''notions''
are not the things which can be true or false. Those are statements
or complete sentences. Those can be true if in correspondence 
with reality. This means that language and reality are two different 
domains. Besides there are unknown many languages but only
one reality. So ,say, Rauls argument ''in the other side''  will
no do. (grin). .