Old vs. new

I have a simple(maybe?) question for you guys, I have some new versions of albums that I’ve replaced from older vintage records that I’ve  had thinking they would sound better than my older ones, but they don’t, since vinyl  has made a comeback , we’re the older versions engineered and mixed for vinyl and now the new recordings not mixed to favor vinyls characteristics?
In 1978-9 I bought and listened to the Telarc Soundstream digital recordings transferred to LP. Did they sound as good as all-analog? NOPE!
Same for the Denon PCM recordings made in '73 and transferred to LPs More strikeouts!
Digital sounds as good as the mastering. I grew up with vinyl and I am glad it’s hip again. I plan to stay with my vast CD collection because they sound as good as anything I owned on vinyl. Yes there is a more rounding sound where digital is more direct in some ways, but I had cartridge that were even more direct and boosted highs to make them more detailed. Vinyl sound is only a product of the coloration of your table, arm and your choice of cartridges, not to mention arm setup. Digital needs are low noise, the power supply, power cord is very important, and then cleaning each disc before playing. I am happy for anyone who collects music because streaming channels are #1 along with downloading songs and by far in the billions with CD, then vinyl in sales. I never went for the vinyl bashing and I don’t buy this CD bashing either because both can be very good, but none can touch the master tape once heard nor a good reel to reel.