Basis Turntables: Worth it or Ripoff?

Are the Basis turntables and arms (ie, Vector 4) worth their asking price? They seems very expensive for you apparently are getting?
OP are you really looking at a long discontinued 1400 or something now in production ??????

what is your real budget ???????

stop hucking rocks at a great company you seem to know ZIP about

yes, I have real knowlege..I own a 1400 and frequently listen to other even better Basis products as friends and dealers...

the 1400 in good shape with the Rega OEM 300 arm and say a Lyra Delos on an HRS base is insane analog performance....

and the product support is THERE !!!!!! 
but lets also ask what if anything you know about precision machining ?

how about freezing rubber and precision grinding that ?????

let me know your CNC skill level before you judge affordability