Can I use an isolation stand with an isolation pad?

I bought a 5.1 surround sound system recently, and got an IsoAccoustics isolation stand for my subwoofer. Unfortunately my neighbor below me can hear the bass if I'm watching a loud movie (in a condo, hardwood floors). I'm wondering if I should buy an isolation pad - like the Auralex Subdude HT - for under the stand, or if there might be a better approach? The music store I went to steered me away from isolation pads and towards the stand, but it's clearly not doing enough on its own. Thanks to anyone with advice!

Springs, my friend. Especially for subwoofers as they produce very low frequencies, unlike your average full range speaker.
 Of, course it helps to know what you’re doing. No offense to you personally.
I would know which springs to buy. You, I’m not so sure. I could be wrong.