sand versus shot in speaker stands

recently purchased monitors and stand for bedroom and do not know if i should fill stand or not. if the stands should be filled what material should be used. i always read about stands being sand or shot ready, but i must admit i do not know what is meant by shot and where one goes to by shot.

thanks in advance for the help
Shot is lead used for shotgun loads. Unsafe but very heavy when compared to sand. Weight in the stands will make the driver less prone to movement resulting from the drivers working canceling out the sound. Should tighten everything from the top to bottom end. That being said your speakers should sound more 'forward' but improved. At least thats what I've experienced.
Yes, lead is heavier, but you really don't want to be handling it and creating lots of lead dust and then having it around to become a problem down the line. When you weigh the safety, sand is plenty heavy enough.
Do a search there used to be a product that was similar to lead and made for filling speaker stands. It was odd shapes and claimed to have the ability to interlock and pack as a more dense mass. Maybe someone like Musicdirect, etc would have a clue. Or maybe someone here will know what I am talking about...I rarely do..