Happy Thanksgiving to all members , enjoy the holiday

Title says all I believe.

Happy Thanksgiving to one and all!

🦃 🦃 🦃
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xuberwaltz
Same to you, U-man 

(Thought you were a Brit. Adopting traditions of your American cousins?)  


Yes I am English but when in Rome.....

Been here 20 years and no intention of leaving.

However I dislike 🦃 ... Lol

So it is chicken for our dinner today.

Cheers everyone!
U - A (20 year) belated welcome, then.  

We're doing a store-bought rotisserie chicken ourselves.  Unable to travel to the larger family today where my bro-in-law will be making a very good deep fried turkey.  Until having that, had really lost my taste for turkey.  

We've much to be grateful for today. Â