Is it time to just quit?

Time to just quit?                      
Buying audio stuff?                             
Posting to an empty house?                          
My gut feeling is no one is posting in the regular 'free' threads. Maybe they all are paying to post? I could not know, since I am way too cheap to pay to just post 'exclusive'.  Being natural paranoid, I think everyone is posting over there, not here?                                       
Then I also just hit my limit on credit card Paypal. Now I have to become "verified' or no Paypal.    
This also happened at a fortuitous moment, when I was starting to overspend...             
So no buying OR selling here for me (unless I am willing to get the Paypal CC. Which I have to think about)So maybe the Universe is telling me "Time to quit".???  
Not quit listening to music, just NOT buying more stuff and NOT posting more gibberish.
Another +vote for your continued posting, especially, regarding your SA-10 (until I can get a demo). I enjoy your impressions, musings and thoughts.

You have a very fine system to enjoy the music!

Are you considering some kind of gear upgrade? 
Happy Holidays.
“I just want to get my system up about 7% so that I can finally sit back and relax and enjoy the music.” 


Buying stuff becomes a problem for lots of us, instead of enjoying our gear we are already thinking what to change and buy next. We do need to take a break sit and enjoy what we have.
Posting on the other hand is free and fun, we can educate and be educated or at least express our opinion on something.
Other than purchasing a few tweaks now and then I'm basically at a point where I'm simply enjoying the music and looking through the Audiogon forums daily.
My guess is that most of us hit a spot where our interest is dampened.  I hit such a spot about 3 years ago.  I hit retirement, moved to the mountains, and my passion for hiking became my primary focus.  Suddenly, I had an ability to pull the trigger, on day in day out basis, something I enjoyed as much or more than music. At the same time, I was faced with the challenge of trying to integrate my first set of full range speakers into a 14 x 20 room.  I worked hard, learned a lot, spent some money, but wasn't rewarded with much success.  I also found that I didn't have anything new to say on the forum.  I got tired of writing the same things over and over, and reading the same things over and over again.  Pretty soon my listening time was mostly confined to travel time to and from hikes.   Finally, I just said to myself "look, you've got a lifetime of passion for music and about 45K invested in equipment.  You need to get this figured out."   One of the forum discussions prompted me to investigate a possible remedy to what was wrong with the system, and a kind and knowledgeable pillar of the forum guided my through a crossover rebuild that was transformative.  So, the enthusiasm and hours of listening time have been restored to historic levels.  My beloved hobby is back.   This is supposed to be fun, not frustration, but like any rewarding hobby, we face situations where the rewards wane and our focus shifts elsewhere for a variety of reasons.  That is just how it goes.  I think it is more or less normal that our interest and enthusiasm waxes and wanes.