USB Cable Comparison Audience / Cardas / Purist / Stealth / Wireworld

I've been meaning to share my findings and impressions from a recent six cable comparison of USB cables.

What follows is a 'work in progress draft' that I will be finalizing and posting on a blogging site.

Getting this posted is a way of lighting a fire under myself so I get the write-up finalized. And to keep my promise to share my findings with a number of Audiogoners.

What is posted is the first phase of the 'shoot-out' involving four cables.

Please note:

- This is not finalized and I will be making edits, and adding information, etc.

- This is the first phase of the comparison.

- The second phase will be posted soon.
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David, me and some of my audio friends have tested this FTA Callisto usb cable (FTA stands for Final Touch Audio) from Serbia. It is the masterpiece of Zoran, the owner.

This cable gives everything I need, deep bass, expansive sound stage, superb holographic and full sounding. 

I have been using some other usb cable including the totaldac but FTA beats them easily.

I wish you could find one to test and compare and share it one more time. :)
@ferrox  Thanks for bringing the FTA Callisto to my attention. I'd love to try it. Do you have a link to access Final Touch Audio? I wasn't able to locate it with a first pass on Google. I'll dig deeper.
@ferrox, FTA Callisto looks interesting.  What is the price and is there a US dealer/distributor?