How does the PS Audio Perfectwave Transport Stack up against the Esoteric P-03?

I am using a PS Audio PWT with my Aesthetix Pandora Signature DAC with great results. Can an Esoteric P-03 or other raise the performance level significantly? I have over 2,000 cd's and will always play them conventionally
in my main system. Put the disc in the transport and hit play...If not the Esoteric, what transport can take it to a new level?

Thanks for looking!

I have owned the PWT for years and have enjoyed it immensely paired with my Yamamoto YDA DAC. There is much praise of the Jay Audio CDT2 transport from happy  owners and reviewers.   I suspect that it’s as good as advertised and worth looking into. The 6 Moons review was quite a rave. i as do you really enjoy spinning Redbook CD through good digital components. 

I have never owned either, but listening in the PS Audio room at Axpona, I have to say their sound was smooth, very good. Then moving down the hallway to the Esoteric room was totally different, LIVE, the sound was closer to a concert. Which do you prefer, to sit up in your chair or to relax. Your choice, although an in between would be a Sim Audio transport.

All three are very good, just which presentation do you prefer.