LS50 Wireless fail, or is old gear that good?

After ready so much positive info on the LS50W, I gave them a try but was massively disappointed compared to my (much) older gear.
I set up the LS50's via Ethernet and WiFi playing HiRes files from NAS and Tidal via Roon, then compared the same tracks via WiFi to Roon on an iPhone>Dragonfly Red>ARC SP9 (1987)>Threshold amp (1980's)>Martin Logan Aerius i (1999). Wasn't even close.
Especially on female vocals, the sense of realism, timbre, air, etc was notably superior on the old system. I played around with the KEF DSP, room placement and even switched rooms.I really wanted the KEF's to work, but no luck.

So, am I missing something with the LS50W, or is the old stuff just that good?

Sorry to hear the LS50s didn't work out for you. I've not heard them, but have read a lot of positive reviews.
I don't think it's a matter of good vs. bad, but a lot modern components are built for user convenience (streaming, wireless, small, narrow, speakers with high WAF), while some of your "older" gear was built for audio quality (ARC, Threshold, ML).  The Threshold doesn't become obsolete simply because more modern digital amps are made available.

I see it as an apples vs oranges comparison. Sell the LS 50s on Computer Audiophile and "rock on completely with some brand old components." :-)

Hmmm, not sure I can say. I adjusted distance from front and side walls, distance apart and distance to listening chair, but didn't move  much from center when listening.
Why do you ask?