Tower Speakers and Room Size


I have been considering a speaker upgrade for my modest rig:
Rega Mira 3, Onkyo DX-7555, Infinity Beta 40 speakers with decent IC's and speaker wire.

My listening room is 16.5' by 13.5' with 8.5' ceilings. My guess is this would qualify as a small room?

I recently listened to the Monitor Audio RS6 through the Rega Mira 3 and Rega Saturn CDP. As you probably know, the MA RS6 has gotten rave reviews for the price range. My impression was that yes they have detail -- they had nice timbral detail and air, but something in the treble bothered me. It was as if the treble was almost too crisp sounding, which makes me wonder if they can get fatiguing.

Then I listened to the PSB Imagine T through the same rig. Slightly more recessed in the treble (as compared to the RS6), but with noticeably great imaging. I did feel that the bass was a bit vague compared to the RS6, since I thought bass was a strong point of the RS6. Nonetheless, I believe I found the Imagine T more pleasant to listen to.

The dealer says that they will have the PSB Synchrony series in stock for demo in the fall. My question is will the Synchrony One be too much speaker in my 13.5' by 16.5' room?

Also, neither speaker really blew me away. Sure, I shouldn't expect to be blown away in this price range, but perhaps I need to take another step up in terms of price to really hear a significant improvement.

In terms of feedback, what are your experiences with speaker size vs. room size? I do want towers, but if matching their size to my room size is important, I want to know that so I can narrow my search. Thoughts?
While we're on this subject, I'd like to pose a related question: If I happen to like a speaker that is more difficult to drive, how important will it be to match my integrated amp with an appropriate additional power amp? For instance, if I find a power amp that I like, is it as easy as connecting it to the pre-outs, or is synergy and system matching vitally important when adding additional power amps?

The reason I ask this is that I do not want to rule out a speaker that like but that may require additional power that my Rega integrated cannot produce. Also, my preference would be for floorstanders -- but then again, perhaps I haven't listened to enough high quality monitors. I have towers in my room presently, and though I would never say that they are particularly good in bass reproduction, I have never felt that the bass is out of balance in relation to the room. So I'm wondering if the emphasis on smaller speakers for a small room is overblown if one listens at reasonable volume, as I do. Thoughts?
I think 60 W should be enough to reach the threshold of pain in that room, even with Thiels or Magnepans. A bridge to cross when you come to it IMO.

At the same time 16.5' x 13.5' x 8.5' is pretty reasonable size, and not that small. I'm thinking of those poor guys stuck with 10'x10' rooms for domestic reasons.
Regarding Speakers in a 13 by 16
Why not try a used pair of Vandersteen 2 CE Sig IIs
these will work well in your room offer amazing openness, mid range clarity and performance in more sophisticated box less type design.
Daverz: While 60 watts will cause Thiels to make sound, every time I have heard Thiels with anything less than a huge power amp, I have been dissappointed. In fact, I thought little of Thiels until I heard them with a big Krell and a big Musical Fidelity. Then, they finally made sense. I would not run Thiels off a 60 watt integrated in any size room. Just my $0.02.

OP: Try to demo a pair of Silverline Audio Prelude. ~$1200/pair, slim floorstanders. As close to "blown away" as I have been by speakers in this price range. They should be fine with your amp.
I auditioned the Monitor Audio RS6's and Imagine T's using a SimAudio i-1 integrated and the Imagine's were the clear inner, but nearly twice the price. However, I got a great deal ($1600) for a new pair of Imagines and I'm very pleased with their sound; particularly the imaging. Although the Monitors sounded good, I just thought they were a little flat and lacked any punch. With the Imagine's, I not only hear deep detailed bass, I also feel it. They have great impact. I also listened to a pair of Theil 2.4's at the same audition and was very impressed with them. I'd have bought them if I only listened to Jazz, Classical or easy listening; I'm more into Rock. They have decent bass, but not as good as the Imagine's. Both are 4 ohms, so the 50w SIM actually puts out 100w. I think this is more than adequate for either speaker in an average listening room. My room is 24 x 13 x 8, and I have my speakers on the long wall. Hope this helps.