Retip for zyx

I have an airy3 that is about 5 years old. Zyx does not have a retip, you get a new cartridge for a discount. Has anyone had a zyx retipped and how did you make out?
Don't let him get you down tooblue LOL. 

I commend you for offering it up. Would be interesting to hear someone's impression of both; that is for sure. 
I should have the ZYX Universe here Thursday and after I run it in I will report back with the comparisons to the cart in stock form to which I put over 2,000 hours on and am familiar with. 
To lewm and chakster
It would be very useful for everybody if you could make a shout out between an original zyx and the retipped one.

Thanks, but I no longer use/have my ZYX cartridges, so i can't make direct comparison between original and refurbished.