New Esoteric P02 D02


Seems like there is a new set up separates from Esoteric. The P02 D02. Hven't seen any info out there at all, but it is for sale already at retailers. Not a substitute of the P03 D03 as expected, that are still selling as well, but a new category in between de 01s and 03s. DACs and inputs seem like an upgrade of the K01.

Anyone has any info, or heard of this? You can read about it at Esoteric parent company home page (in Japan but in English).

Price in Europe is 3.000 Euros higher than the 03s per unit (so +6000 EUros higher in total)

Any feedback, info news?

Hi Guys, I am debating making a change and upgrading to the P1/D1 combo. I am very satisfied with the D-02/P-02 but always looking to move upward. I feel there are gains to be made with the separation of channels, separate power supplies in the DACs and isolation allowed by separate chassis. As for all the crazy processing bullshit they hype, I doubt any of that stuff adds any significant audible improvement, espiecally with the media being limited. Would be great to compare them to the Vivladi Stack, too!
Although, I am more than a little troubled by the steep drop off in value of these Esoteric and other high end digital components, I am going to list
them. My combo is of course absolutely mint, but I'm not sure I can get half
of retail. If I can't get a decent $, I will keep them. I haven't heard the new Esoterics, and I am hoping that the new P1/D1 is going to be the top of the line for more than a year or two, like the D-02/P-02 was. And, there is such a buzz about DSD, I believe that hurts the D-02, which sucks too. If your a disc spinner like me, it won't matter!

Any thoughts guys? Let me know what you all think!

I have a feeling the new P1/D1 will be top of the heap for a lot more than one year.....the fall off in resale value notwithstanding on Eso and other high-end gear, take a dedicated listen somewhere but don't sell your 02 level gear until you hear in detail what the P1/D1 can do. The rest of your logic on channel and power supply separation, exactly how I'd think of it too in the event I could ever contemplate the move....
You and I are in the same situation Tom, and for the same reasons.

The drop in value of the 02s I am sure has a lot to do with the fact that a few 02s owners are upgrading and you see way more of these top digital system for sale than you would otherwise. Before the 01s were out, you could very rarely see a 02 system for sale and now there are a few.

The 02s at half retail or so are a steal. Nothing that I've heard or know of at that price level are even close.

I think is a matter of time. Me like you, if I don't get a decent price I will not sell them and keep the 02s happily. The moment these disappear of the market I think the resale price will go back to normal levels again. I don't mind waiting, since the 02s are really good in any case.
Hey Guys, This is a real dilemma, of course you need a full system at the level of the D-02/P-02 to hear what fuss is about, and hear lies the problem. With all the new gear out there spouting all these new spec's and claims at a tenth the price, DSD being the main problem, it is easy to put us in a category of over spenders, and trophy system fools! Unless you can justify and afford these components, your probably not going to hear the difference. So, I would like to think that there is many audio people out there that would jump at a chance to own these babies, I will probably be happily listening to them for awhile longer. And as Eliseo has said, I just can't justify having two super high end digital sources !! Or afford it!
I will continue to look for improvements that I can use with any future change or upgrade. As good as the combo is out of the box, Stillpoints, cables, racks, orientation, clock addition, power cords, have all helped to elevate the sound to a pretty damn remarkable playback.
Right to the point.

Specs really mean nothing. They are inexpensive. It is all about implementation and execution, quality of components, termination and the likes that rally makes the difference. But you do have to have a balanced system, with all components at a minimum level, that allows you to hear the differences at these levels.

Regarding improvements, the Esoterics benefit big time from a proper grounding device, as I have been able to hear first hand. Anyone interested, do try the Tripoint Troy grounding system with them and you will freak out.