Help with sub upgrade

I am looking at upgrading my subs in my HT system. Paradigm Sig4's and C3 up front, Anthem AVM30, Denon 3910 and Mac 207 amp. The room is 13w x 26l and 7.5h, Seating position is 12ft from front. Currentlty i am considering 2 JL F112's vs 2 ML's depths or perhaps a three sub REL system (B2, r305 i have one, and a T1 in the back. The system is 90% movies but i care a lot about how music sounds. I have space issues so the subs i have listed all fit where they need to go. Thanks for any thoughts that you might share. P.S. i would have gone with paradigm subs but they are too deep for the alloted space.
I'll vote for the JL Audio F112's. I have one in a stereo setup and it's accurate, fast, deep and built like a brick house.
You don't mention a budget. Mdowns' JL recommendation is a good one, but they are expensive. Test results (not head to head listening comparisons) suggest that the SVS subs look like a good alternative for significantly less $. I use Rythmik subs in a music only system. They are terrific in that application and I'm sure they'd be very good for HT use, as well - although probably less good than the comparable JL or SVS subs. Look at the subwoofer test results on the forums at for a lot of good info on this subject.

+1 for the Rythmik sub suggestion. The intergration between the servo driver and plate amp make it a very strong contender at a reasonable price. I own one and it replaced a Vandy sub.
I have read a bit about the Rythmik subs but am unclear how low they will go for HT? Two of the rythmiks and and a sub eq together would be a lot less than a single JL. I have looked at the svs as well but their box subs are too deep. I need a sub around 20 in deep to fit in my cabinetry. The cylinder subs don't do it for me.