What solid amp to pair with DiaLogue Premium Preamplifier ?

Hi everyone, any input regarding pairing the PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium Preamplifier with a solid state amp 100-200watts in 8ohm ?
My speakers are bbc design 5/9 are said to sound better with power between 100 to 150/200 watts.
What have you guys tried that worked well, I like my music to be musical with as much detail as possible, but without sounding clinical or thin sounding.

Looking forward for some input.

I have owned and used my PL Dialogue Premium preamp.. almost 4 years now..on a daily basis and have had not one issue with it..period! That does not mean some parts failure can not happen from time to time...just like any manufactured product out there.Concerning prat..well,it may not be as good as some of the best ss designs..but, with the PL..that will depend on what tube types are being used to achieve that end goal.

I highly recommend it as do many other owners. Who knows..someday I may change to something else,but in all honesty,the sound I'm getting right now is just too good to even think about a change in my preamp...especially with the great benefit and fun factor of nos tube rolling... tailoring that perfect sound... to your own liking!   


I tried Telefunkens, Mullards, Seimans, and the usual list of US tubes. Some Mazdas were the best because they smoothed out the sound.

But no PRAT.

I guess the PL is too analytical for me/my system.

Thanks fro listening.

I would not consider analytical a definition describing the musical merits of the PL preamp. If you mean how the preamp responds to tube change I guess you could have a point but on the whole this pre is a true music maker when used in a properly oriented system setup....tube type also plays a huge role with both the 12au7’s and rectifiers used. It all comes down to personal tastes I guess... 8)