What kind of gear do you listen to Mars with?

Haha, you thought I meant the Holtz symphony, no, I mean the fourth planet from the sun!

We have the first recordings of what the planet Mars actually sounds like via NASA's InSight lander!


From David Rothkopf's ( @djrothkopf  on Twitter ) tweet:

Listen to the second recording that is bumped up two octaves...it is a little further down the page.
Totally manipulated non-event, in keeping with the B.S. search for life on other planets. Gotta speed up the clip 100X to make a listless breeze like emitted from a heat register, sans furnace motor/fan noise, seem impressive. What a joke.  Maybe we'll hear Martian mating calls next. :(

Total waste of taxpayers money,IMHO. There's plenty of things more deserving than space exploration, also IMHO.
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