Perfect Path Technologies: Omega E mat

I’m curious about this product from Perfect Path Technologies and would like to hear from those that have experience with it. I’ve bought and used the Total Contact enhancer and like what it does for my system so I’m interested in hearing how this Omega E mat performs. 
Continuing from above:  

It can be said, "Well, we've always known EMI can be a problem."  However, has anyone else shown to the degree of this effectiveness--at the level of the end user--just how much of a problem EMI really is?  If so, I have not heard of that person or product.  

Regarding Total Contact, the material that fills in voids and irregularities in mated surfaces, I have proposed that anyone with a component sound system that is connected up by wires and cables will benefit from TC because a connection is never as good as a continuous pathway. Naturally, with portable and interchangeable devices, we must make connections. TC enhances those connections to a stunning degree of performance.  Tim has shown us this, as well.  

If you are a designer of audio gear, if you are an EE, if you have vast knowledge and a superior audio system, you are not immune to the detrimental effects of component connections and EMI---doesn't matter who you are or what you have in equipment.  All any of us have is a signal in a wire---and a lot of EMI to go along with it.  I would like the commentary of some authorities here on this topic. If I appear to be promoting a product, I am, insofar that the inventor behind this singular product cannot be separated from its enlightening benefits in the attenuation of EMI.   


What am I missing here? I can find no info on the cards or matts, except pricing on PPT web site. No description of what it does (or doesn't) do in my web search, except for this thread.

 I am not adverse to trying new tweaks by any means, but need a bit more to go on.

Yup, I firmly believe in good IC's PC's and fuses (I use SR Blues), but I need a bit more to go on than what I have been able to research today.

I've been on the fence for a while about  the TC coating, but may give it a go in the near future. Just don't like the thoughts of goo on my gear. I have a vision of anti-seize compound in my head, that I can't get rid of, although, I'm sure it's probably not like that

Any way to buy from a Canadian distributor/retailer. Our $$ is worth less than monkey dung, after conversion

crazyeddy ...

No need to worry about "goo" on your gear. The TC goes on in a very thin coating. It's easily removed with a Q-tip and a little alcohol. Once applied, you won't want to remove it. You'll just be listening to music.  It can be bought through Audiogon. The only "distributor" at this point is the producer, Tim Mrock. Use the Audiogon site to buy it. Tim has fast delivery.  

Eddy, I was also so satisfied with my SR Blues and other tweaks,  I did not make the jump to TC for some time. Like other products, I made my decision on the positive reports that kept coming in.    
First you think you are "there," and 
wonder how your system can sound any better.
Then you make a change and are more thrilled
with the results. 

And the cycle continues, in this crazy hobby,
simply because you had an open mind and 
open ears.