Recommendation for DAC needed.

I’m looking to replace my Schiit Gumby DAC.  Price range: $2000-3000.
Right now considering Ayre Codex.
Need it for my CD transport as a well as compacity for hi res streaming.
 I don’t need headphone capability.
Any high quality unit recommendations would be appreciated.
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I have 2 multibit DACs (Audio GD DAC-19; and NOS 19). The NOS DAC is in my primary system. Both have stopped my "digital quest" in its tracks, at least for the time being. So if I upgrade at all, it will have to be to even better multibit DACs. Since you also have multibit, a pretty well-reviewed one, I'm wondering if you would deviate from multibit in next DAC...and if so, why.
Sucks to see that, but it is bit-perfpect if used with the programs/apps I mentioned, measurements