Bluesound Vault 2i, Cocktail Audio X40 or ??????????

Have decided to move out my CD collection but still want periodic access. Believe that the above or something like them provide the solution.

Any thoughts, comments or alternatives would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in a advance.
What I understand its the same DAC in node2, node2i, vault2 and vault2i. But the i-version includes other techniques taken from the NAD M51 which is said to have had a "big" positive effect on the sound. 

Can I ask what DAC would sound so much better? Have you had the possibility to a/b test?
Benchmark DAC 3B and I use my wife for blind testing. I know it is not a perfect test but if she asks why it sounds so much better then it works for me. 
You can stream Pandora through bluetooth to the Vault or Node. My advice is buy the Vault and rip the CDs directly.