Speakers for a small room

I am looking to build a list. What would you say are the best speakers for a small room? Why? Price is up to 6.5k new or used. Room is 11ft x 16ft with 7ft10 ceilings. Thanks! 

Related info: amp is pass labs xa30.8. 
@ostrey93 ,
I have not heard the D7’s in my room. But I have owned similar sized Spendors in my 20x15 size room. The S8e, S6e and the A5. I am now using a Harbeth stand mount. If I was to go back to a floor stander the Spendor would be my choice!
@yogiboy good to know. I would much rather some floor standers for the added extension. 
@gdnrbob i have never heard vandy speakers. I will need to hear their sound at some point. People seem to love them. We will see if their sound agrees with me. 
My room is 11' x '16 x '10. I spent 2 years learning room acoustics and treating my room. I spent another 2 years going through speakers that were too big for my room (e.g., Golden Ear T2). A year and a half ago I got a pair of Kef Ls50s. Last week I finished dialing them in. They are incredible. I'm very happy with what I'm hearing now.