Vandersteen Model 7: has anyone heard?

I won't have $45K to spend on a loudspeaker in this lifetime or any other I imagine but the little snippet in TAS peaked my curiousity. Has anyone heard this speaker and would be willing to offer their impressions?
I attended RMAF and felt the ARC/Vandersteen 7 room was one of the best at the show. Incredibly musical and with no weaknesses that I could hear. One of the few rooms I could have stayed in for hours on end. The only room I clearly liked better was the Acapella room.
I could not stay in either the Vandy 7 room nor the Acapella room for more than a couple of minutes (and I have been a fan of Acapella in the past).

Both had top ends that were too aggressive for my taste; a characteristic I found quite common among most least on Friday.
I heard them at RMAF and thought they sounded pretty good
overall. I have to say the track that was playing was god
awful and made me want to head for the exit though.
I heard them at RMAF, and do agree- was one of the best sounds at the show.
Tvad, even though I do understand your sentiment, but couldn't agree with your impression. Of course, it's a matter of personal preference.
I actually made an honest attempt to listen to Audio Note speakers again (mostly because of your very comments on it in this forum), and yet again found them lacking dynamics and any resemblance to live music. They do portray a very different take on music reproduction, that to my taste has very little to do with how music actually sounds. Sorry.
They do portray a very different take on music reproduction, that to my taste has very little to do with how music actually sounds.
Maril555 (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
That's an interesting topic, because I find just the opposite to be true.

95% of the systems at RMAF were too tipped up and sounded nothing like any live music I have ever heard. Yes, they dig out every detail on a recording if it's there, but the recordings usually selected as reference material are often close-miked and are not representative of live music from an audience's perspective.

My favorite speakers were the JM Reynaud Offrande, Audio Note AN-E/SPe HE, Tidals Piano Diacera SE (they got the detail and dynamics of music without the aggressive tipped-up sound of so many rooms), and the Daedalus DA-RMa (driven by the Modwright KWA 100 SE in the Modwright room), and the Daedalus Ulysses (driven by Berning and First Sound). These rooms to me presented a more natural sound than did the others I visited.

Anyway, based on what I heard at RMAF (and at the other shows I've attended) most listeners appear to want the sound you also like. Yet, so many audiophiles constantly complain of bright systems. It's a Catch 22.

My preference in sound is clearly a minority point of view.