How important is it for you to attain a holographic image?

I’m wondering how many A’goners consider a holographic image a must for them to enjoy their systems?  Also, how many achieve this effect on a majority of recordings?
Is good soundstaging enough, or must a three dimensional image be attained in all cases.  Indeed, is it possible to always achieve it?


n80, I walked into my first high end salon in 1990, and it took me 25 years to reach the grapes; the grapes are a "holographic sound stage"; when you get that, all else is in place, it depends on everything working together.

Never quit trying to reach the grapes; we're "audiophiles", reaching for sweet audio grapes is what we do.
@orpheus10 "Never quit trying to reach the grapes; we're "audiophiles", reaching for sweet audio grapes is what we do."

That does seem to be true of quite a few audiophiles here. That is not my cup of tea.

But I am new to this and by nature or nurture I also have a deep suspicion of 'progress' that has no ultimate goal. I do not see this hobby as a pursuit unless you include pursuing good recordings. When I listen to my system it pushes all the buttons I need to have pushed. I've done some basic room testing, etc and things check out okay. The sound quality makes me smile and sometimes gives me chills. The sound stage is reasonably large and defined. So at this point rather than seeking (= time+money) for that something extra, I'll enjoy the sweet grapes I have. Some might call that settling. And maybe it is. But in this field I suspect that there are those that would say that in some fashion or another you are settling as well. Who knows.

And again, its not sour grapes. I bet that high hanging fruit is wonderful.

And to be honest if I was going to invest that time and money there are other aspects of SQ that I would probably pursue before sound stage improvements. For me tight, clear bass would be the thing that could turn into an obsession.......if I let it.

You guys are funny; while you're enjoying what you have, your subconscious is reaching for the grapes; "I wonder how I can get better bass", or some other refinement.
So much ambient information is contained in the lower frequencies, it should go without saying, that accurate, tuneful bass, is a necessity for a decent simulacrum of a musical event.