need turntable setup recommendation in New England

Due to some physical issues, I am unable to install a new cartridge and do a proper setup to my turntable.  I took it in the past to a local stereo shop ( to remain nameless) , but was underwhelmed by a zealous but overly confidant salesman who insisted he could do it while I waited, only to complain he did not have the right tools to set the VTA and then told me it should be fine.  I have not gone back there.

I live in suburban Boston, and would like to find someone who is capable of doing the job correctly. My TT does not have a removable headshell, but I have been experimenting with a few different carts and want to be able to rely on a proper setup each time.  Any suggestions?
When I had my VPI Scout, I brought it to Goodwins to have them make all the adjustments.  (I did not buy it there, bought it used here)  I believe it was 100.00 back around 2011.
+1 for Goodwins. I used to live in Waltham and went there often. They've been there for years.
I don't believe Jim Fuller is there anymore, but Goodwins is a very reputable shop. Jim did a setup for me there years ago. Two guys who know their stuff are Mike Trei, out of NY City area, and Jim Fuller. Jim's business is Restoration Audio, out of VT. Indeed that brief experience you had didn't sound too good. If you need Mike Trei's info, I may have it at home somewhere. I used Mike once as well.