Vandersteen Model 7: has anyone heard?

I won't have $45K to spend on a loudspeaker in this lifetime or any other I imagine but the little snippet in TAS peaked my curiousity. Has anyone heard this speaker and would be willing to offer their impressions?
Vandersteen Model 7 speakers are incredible. I have lived with a pair of Vandersteen 5A's for about 10 years and still feel there is no speaker in their price range that is even close.

I went to hear The Model 7 with not necessarily intending to buy, lets face it they are not cheap. One thing I would tell anyone wanting to hear them make sure the dealer has set them up right as Richard Vandersteen has instructed. On hearing them the first time I felt the were slightly better than my 5A's. I then was able to hear a pair of Model 7's that I was told were set up correctly and experienced a completely different opinion. I was now hearing things I had never heard with my Model 5's. Yes, I was was more than a little impressed. Still at this price range your thinking what else is out there and maybe I better take a listen, which I did. I listened to the other very high end speakers, which we all very familiar with and came away with an even greater opinion of the Vanderteen Model 7. They especially do not have the coloration I heard in other speakers. I am not here to knock any other speaker or manufacture but the Vandersteen Model 7 just stands out impressively above the others.

I decided I had to have a pair still wondering how will they sound in my sound room. Fortunately I had heard them at the dealer with Ayre MXR monoblocks and KXR pre amp which was what I had. I believe I have a very good sound room which I have worked on for over 15 years to achieve the kind of sound I wanted. The speakers were delivered and set up as Richard Vandersteen had instructed. The gentleman who set them up had the jigs and laser that Richard designed for setting them up. Then came dialing in the eleven-band equalizer and woofer level controls to my room.

Finally the moment had come to see if I had made the right choice, to hear them the first time in my sound room. I sat there unable to say anything to the gentleman that helped set them up, not believing what I was hearing. We both just looked at each other amazed at what we were hearing and I new I made one of the best choices I would ever make.

I now have many hundred hours on my Model 7's and know they are better than my Model 5's across the board. The base is tight deep, dynamic and detailed in every way. The mid range thru the top end has a wonderful clarity, transparency and openness. High end notes for lack of a better word just seem to shimmer with no hardness or glare. The soundstage is huge and every well defined. The vibes in Jazz At The Pawnshop just seem to fly across the room with amazing clarity. From the quiet brush work to the high end piano notes in the 45 rpm Misty by the Yamamoto Trio you find yourself immersed in the music of the Model 7's. No matter the type of music I played thru the Model 7's I heard things I have never heard before. They just seem so real, so life like and you get a feeling of being right there. The astounding thing is the more I listen to them the better they seem to get. Richard Vandersteen spent many years in creating these speakers and all I can say is Richard they are PURE MAGIC.
I totally agree with Adelphiaron. Also, any upgrade you make in your system
will be even more obvious through the Model 7. I just upgraded my TNT 6
with rim drive, super platter, and SDS using an older Benz LP to a Basis Debut,
Vector 4 system fully loaded with all of the upgrades and the new Benz s MR.
All I can say is WOW!! The speakers seem to be physical objects that sit inside
the soundstage with the performers and recording venue all round them. More extention in all directions, especially the bass. I know this is the Basis at work,
but the Model 7s let you hear more of it. And don't forget the new high pass
filter will be here soon.
Run and convert your LP to an LP=S... The difference is extremely major. If you think you're hearing things now, you won't believe what the LP=S does for your system.
Amen to that Stringreen. And as a bonus the Micro Ridge stylus will give you
more detail with less surface noise. As HP has said, this is the best effort from
Benz which also allows those who have a Benz LP to trade-in and save about
2K. A no brainer.
Congratulations to Richard Vandersteen for being selected as the Los Angeles/Orange County Audio Society recipient of the Founders Award that is given each year to someone in the audiophile community who has had a major influence on both manufacturers and consumers in high end audio.

More that 300 audiophiles, including print and on-line media personalities from TAS , Stereophile, Positive Feedback, and Ultra Audio plus manufactures of high end audio attended the Annual Gala event. Bob Levi, President of the Society was the Master of Ceremonies while John Atkinson was the keynote speaker.

Richard Vandersteen accepted his award and spoke about how he got started in the business and then gave his views on various issues concerning high end speaker research and development. Richard's gracious wife and proud family were also in attendance.

Oh yes, Miss America was also there.

Everyone had a great time.