Mixing balanced and unbalanced inputs/outputs on Ayre preamp - amateur question!


I have been enjoying my system for a few years but I am now in the position to start upgrading. I have a pretty basic question that I can't seem to find a good answer to. I am looking to upgrade my preamp to an Ayre K-5xeMP that accepts both balanced and unbalanced inputs/outputs. I will also be upgrading my DAC and it will likely also have balanced output as an option. I will also be adding a phono preamp (currently integrated with my pre) that will be unbalanced. My amp is an old Mcintosh MC2125 that is unbalanced. I would prefer to not upgrade the amp for a while.

Could I run both balanced and unbalanced inputs into the Ayre followed by unbalanced output to the Mcintosh? Or does the entire system either have to be balanced or unbalanced? I understand I may not be getting the best quality by mixing, but if I can mix the inputs/outputs it allows me to slowly upgrade all components to ones that accept balanced connections.

How my system may look in the near future
DAC balanced output -> Ayre balanced input -> Ayre unbalanced output -> Mcintosh
Phono preamp unbalanced output -> Ayre unbalanced input -> Ayre unbalanced output -> Mcintosh

Is this possible? Or is it all balanced or all unbalanced or it may cause some damage to the preamp? Of course eventually I hope to upgrade the amp and phono section, but I can't do it all at once.

Thank you for the help! I know this may be a silly question, but it's my first experience with balanced connections.
I have a mix into my Krell Showcase processor. RCA from my Cambridge Audio BD 752 player. My Forte 6 and Bryston 2.5 SSt2 Balanced for speakers. And RCA for rear speakers w/my two modified Threshold T-50's for my rear speakers. I also use the RCA's on my Bryson 2.5 SST2 to power my Luxman CL38U-SE. I just switch the amp from balanced to RCA to play music . A version of HT pass through.
You will be fine, doing the same with my Pass equipment. From what I've read balanced only matter with extremely long cable runs.
I have a lot of gear (Phone, CD, Tuner, tape deck, Stax phones) so I have to use ALL the inputs (balanced and unbalanced) on my K-5xeMP.  Ultimately though the outputs tie-in to a (balanced) V-5Xe.
Ayre makes wonderful equipment, but there is a difference for the better when you use balanced connections.  The benefits of the balanced operation is nullified when connecting unbalanced equipment.  I have an all Ayre system and everything is balanced, no hum/noise (even at full volume).  (if you're interested in balanced interconnects, get back to me)
Whether a particular input is better than another is equipment dependent.

But yes, you can mix/match input types and output types.

Usually people like to use balanced for their most important DAC, and then run RCAs for everything else.
For instance, I usu balanced inputs for my DAC, RCA for my DVD player (movies only) and out everything via balanced.

That seems to be enough for most people.