HDMI or 7.1 out for best AQ

I recently purchased an Oppo BDP-83 universal player that I will be getting modded in the near future. Some of the mods out there are pretty specific as to what is upgraded in the player, i.e., 2-ch vs Mch vs HDMI outputs. My question to you folks in the know is this: what is the best type of connection to use between the player on HT processor, separate 7.1 RCA's or HDMI? By having an answer to this, I will hopefully know where to put my money most wisely. TIA.

What does anyone suggest for cable type/manuf. for those of us taking the 5.1/7.1 analog route? What have you had luck with? digital coax (ala Sterovox for example)? Analog interconnects? Is quality just as important here between an Oppo BDP-83 and the AVR?
Top quality RCA's are necessary to get the best performance. I use Acoustic Zen Action 5.0 and Action 1.0 for the 5.1 connection between Oppo-83 and the Pre-Pro. The Action 5.0 has 5 cables in one jacket with locking RCA's. It is terrific cable, convenient and affordable. The Harmonic Technology Rainbow is also a great cable. Otherwise, you can use any set of 3 pairs of RCA cables that you like. You just have to be careful about 6 separate RCA cables putting stress on the player if they are heavy.
"Drewmb likely meant a AVR capable of decoding the new high rez audio formats would use the HDMI output from the Oppo"

Correct, Correct.
Post removed 

I'll mention Audio art. I like Rob's hybrid III RCAs. I've used a pair of them with good success as main RCAs from proc to amp (s).

I also like the Cardas Neutral Refs, but they might tend to be pricey adding six or eight of them... even if bought preowned. They definitely are a clear cut "hear what ya got" with those wires... great mid range and top ends!

B4 I put much into ICs, I'd look into a pc for that player. My 980 responds very well to upscale power cords. I'd think the 83 does too.