Any one try the new Synergistic Research BLUE UEF Duplex receptacle?

Looking for comparsons to other high quality outlets.
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When I finally had 1200 hours on NCF (in the wall) it was a love hate thing with it. Good bass detail but just wasn't musical for me, so I bought outlet for conditioner, a furutech gold to fix problem , I was wrong. I tried SR black. Haven't tried blue. I ended up with PI Audio outlet, it may be just a modded Pass Seymour outlet but is a perfect match with NCF. Nothing is lost from NCF all detail is there plus you get extra. It just adds body to the music, it's relaxed without slowing things down or losing jump factor if that makes sense. I didn't think it was going to work just a modded outlet playing with top end outlets, but it did for me. Got me off outlet merry go round, it just plays music together with NCF.

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Has anyone gone from the SR Tesla Plex SE to the SR Blue? If so, what was the result?

I have my amp plugged in directly to one of the outlets in the duplex (SR Tesla Plex SE), and the power conditioner is plugged into the other outlet. I have a second duplex (another SR Tesla Plex SE) for my sub, but I am not replacing that outlet at this time. I’m not sure if it would make that much of a difference.

Indeed, I have replaced the SR Tesla Plex SE wall outlet with the SR Blue.
 The improvement is significant and worthwhile. After installation, I heard an immediate increase in detail of the soundstage ( with no brightness) and a sense that the music flowed with less effort. After 24 hours the improvement was even greater. I felt the sonics then continued to improve over the next 10 days.

Synergistic Research is having their special until December 31 where you buy a Blue outlet and you get a free Blue fuse. Perfect to put in your amp, subwoofer, or source. The Blue fuse does make a difference. The combination of a Blue fuse and Blue outlet on sound improvement is quite remarkable.

The SR outlet comes with a 30 day trial so you can try it without worry.
The audio improvements  are not subtle.

David Pritchard