Bright or Dim?

Have you ever noticed that when listening to music in your listening area that music seems to sound better with the lights down? To me there is a rather noticeable difference. Could be just in my mind because that's how I like to listen, or is it something more biological/scientific than that?  Could it be that the lessoning of one sense enhances the other? Maybe it's just me. Anyway I thought I would see if anyone else has the same experience. Im sure if there is an actual reason for this phenomena, that someone on this forum will have the answer :) 

you know interesting enough I never listen to music with my eyes closed. I will fall asleep. Also I would not be able to keep them closed in a brightly lit room. I guess I have thin eyelid syndrome or something :). I like doing everything with the lights low. My wife is always on me about turning the lights down. She likes bright, well lit rooms. I am more like a vampire. However she likes the blinds in the house closed and I want them open during the day. Go figure. I’m just weird like that I guess so when I comes to listening to music I have to have the lights dimmed else it just does not work for me.
Fools at 20 tend to be fools at 70!  Fools grow more foolish just like wisdom (the domain of the Wiz - Frank Zappa) may improve with years.
The best bet is to shut your eyes.  Open eyes stimulate the optic nerve and make the brain work.  Easily seen on brain scans the visual stimulation takes a lot of brain activity and it confounds listening with the distractions.  All the visual needs to be screened out if you want undisturbed audio signals for 'receivers' like your brain stem systems.

If we think about all the brouhaha about "buring in wires" on our stereos and just transfere those insights to your wires in your head.  To close your eyes and shut off the vision work is like bi-amping your speakers.  
Certainly doing just one thing... Listening! is much better than doing something else and listening to music.                
Sadly I am on the laptop way too much and I notice it really cuts the depth of listening. So I can see (pun) how closing my eyes would cut the distraction!