iPad for streaming to Yamaha amp

New to the world of streaming 
signed up for Tidal was hoping to stream with my iPad through the USB port sincethe output from the headphone jack is poor quality.
Do I need to go to a streaming device specifically to high quality sound?
If so any recommendations for moderate price devices?
Thank you 
No Problem. And, You're Welcome. I hope it works out for you. If you don't mind, please report back once you try the USB3 Camera Cable. The question comes up often, and I'll like a definitive answer.....
 Ruebent or anyone who wants to comment
Could not find the cable anywhere 
Decided to by Bluenod 2i streaming with  Tidals base service.
Should the sound quality improve with optical cable?
Is there a difference between the 10 or 20 dollars service.
Should I not expect Hi fidelity from streaming?