JVC TT-101 Won't Stop

The Stop button on my recently purchased QL-10 doesn't work. It worked at first after the TT warmed up, but then quit completely. I since have replaced all 37 electrolytic caps on 3 boards, but it made no difference. The power voltages are correct. The button itself is fine and shorts pins 6 and 9 of the P8 connector on the main board, but the motor doesn't stop. What could be wrong? Any particular transistor or adjustment? Please help! -Alex

It seems an excellent result, plus the pot does not turn slightly backwards after the stop as I saw in several videos.  ;)
Oh, I'm very happy this worked. My thinking is that one or more of the eyelets that involves the stop sequence from the 1st solder go-round did not get a good dose of solder and it finally started having intermittent control issues. The platter drift before was not too terrible, but now it comes to almost a dead stop. Very happy indeed.

does the selector work to display the rpm that is placed under the plate?