2 Stereo amps to be used in Mono...hookup?


Could one explain the hookup from the preamp? Does left channel out from pre have to be Y'd to the left and right input of that designated amp....Carver M500t manual states..make sure both inputs are connected...
A little confused...

"Same for right channel..."
Exactly. The right channel from the preamp hooks up the same way to the other amp.
I would add if using those amplifiers 'bridged to mono' is confusing... You should not do it. I agree with others writing you gain nothing and risk a lot.        
Most amplifiers stable into 4 ohm as a stereo amplifier are NOT suitable for use with 4 ohm speakers when 'bridged'. Period.I have no idea if the op speakers are actually 4 ohm? Does the op know???

I forgot to ad in my last post.
If you have two of these stereo amps already, this vertical bi-amping arrangement, will give you the best sound, forget bridging.


Cheers George