Vinyl Sleeves and Jackets

When you purchase new or pre-loved vinyl records do you replace the inner sleeve with something better such as a rice paper sleeve or something similar? For example I have seen options from QRP and MoFi. Thought on rice paper vs. polyethylene?

Also do you have any suggestions outer or resealable outer sleeves to protect the artwork. 

Ultrasonic cleaning is snake oil and actually makes records sound worse.
What US machine have you used that led you to this pronouncement?
Cleaned on the Loricraft , then a new mofi inner sleeve and finally the thickest quality outer available. I like those thick outer sleeves because they are very clear and never yellow and when stored properly upright not packed tightly the jackets are kept protected and they fit doubles very well and slide easily. 
I never reuse used/original paper inner, as paper is a food product for mold and bacteria so why put that back near a cleaned record when I don't know its storage history. If they are originals with information  or design printed on them and not just generic I will keep them in  separate outer sleeves (as well as any pics, decals or posters), so should I sell or trade they are available to the buyer. 
MOFI sleeves and nothing else. Ultrasonic cleaning is snake oil and actually makes records sound worse.

^^^ and this is how audio myths are spread....

nitty gritty until such time as the Livermore Lab rats make ultrasonic less hazardus than three mile island...after that, even if it came in a QRP i use a new virgin MFSL sleve ( i donate the dirty QRP to my destitute but wannabe poser audiophile brother in law - thereby virtue signaling my recycle everything mentality )
no outer sleeve meets my standards for anti-static and hubble grade optical characteristics, so paper album covers are free to snuggle damage each other......