Linear tracking turntables, whatever happened?

Curious as to the demise and downfall of the seemingly short lived linear tracking TT.
Just from a geometry point of view I would have thought a linear arm should be superior to one with a fixed pivot that sweeps through an arc.
Obviously there is much more to it than that, sort of the reason for this thread.
I am genuinely interested in trying one out for myself as well.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xuberwaltz
ok - I will rephrase.
The best linear tracker tonearms use the same force for movement across the record as a pivot arm - the groove.
That suggests the possibility of an air bearing.

I don't have a business relationship with Triplanar, just for the record. I do own two of his arms.

I saw a linear tracker eventually fatigue a Sumiko Boron to the point that the cantilever just fell off the cartridge. No particularly bad-ass records used. Prior to that happening, you could see the cantilever move from left to right. Clearly too much compliance.

I owned a Rabco for many years. I built a servo for it so that would be reliable. The servo also took some time to spin the motor up or down; in this way it would establish a speed depending on the cut of the record and didn't make a lot of motor noise. I also replaced the arm 'wand' with a carbon fiber setup that was lower mass. But the track that the arm ran on was its downfall- the track had resonance issues and used poor bearings to support the arm.

When the air bearing arms came out I took a good look at them, as I spent a lot of time at our first dealership, who also carried the arm. It gained a reputation for eating cantilevers. Clearly whatever cartridge you are using is more durable- what are you using?

Terry, maybe you should have taken over for new production ; )

Interesting tweaks you have made there. You mean beam is manifold ? Then, may I ask how you have managed install the support for the other end ? To back of the plinth ? Maybe you could send me pics of it.
I have covered the saddle with damping sheet. I can cover the wand too if necessary (one cartridge benefits from damped wand). Do you think it´s an upgrade to cover the base as well although it´s quite sturdy ? The arm sits on a sturdy brass column on soapstone plinth.


Hello. Obviously I’m relatively "new" here but I have a good 35+ years in this hobby. I’ve owned many turntables and have restored and "improved" even more. During that time I started wondering how well a linear tracking turntable might perform.... Long story short, I have now restored 5 B&O Beogram 4002 turntables. They use a photo-optic sensor that becomes "exposed" to a light source as a shutter is opened at the base of the tonearm.....shutter opening and subsequent drive motor engagement are dictated by the gradual inward movement of the stylus in the groove of the record and that is what opens the shutter.... When set up properly they are fantastic performers...very elegant and clever design.

I have two for my personal use and have restored three for clients of mine.... Lots of talk about their cartridges being "so-so".....I disagree, as does Peter Ledermann of Soundsmith…. I run the MMC20EN cartridges and they are fantastic. Am about to send one of mine in to Soundsmith for a rebuild. Will report back how it sounds.

Ultimately, personal preference dictates what we buy, or buy into with this hobby.....

Any other Beogram 4002 lovers out there?

There is a company out of Poland Pre Audio  that is making some very interesting new production tables-LT arms combos from  $2k and up. they have a few different arms table combos, some air some not. worth looking at.