Advice on buying good CD player that will outperform my Primare cd31

Hello everyone,
I'm currently thinking about changing the cd player and I would appreciate if someone has good advice on buying good red book player that will outperform my Primare cd31.
The budget is around 2000-2500eur and second hand devices are wellcome...
The rest of the system is integrated amp. Bladelius Thor mk3 novitas and Vienna acoustics Beethoven Baby Grand.
Unison Research CDE with upgraded optional Dac. Big jump in sound quality over Primare cd31.
Apologies if this has been discussed before (as I’m sure it has), but with modern DACs containing asynchronous re-clocking (or cheap re-clockers like the iFi) why do we really care about expensive transports anymore?

I may not have accurately framed the issue and may have just spewed my digital ignorance here - just trying to learn.