Aesthetix MIMAS

Has anyone heard it yet or time line on it’s release ?
Whats the buzz tel me whats happenings
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xtomstruck
certainly on my list to listen....
Jim White has ears and is a solid engineer..
I have his Pandora SIg DAC, pretty happy...

having said that Ayre and Brinkmann also in running in that class of gear, Pass also.....
I had the Mimas in my home system for a week after listening to it extensively at my dealers with Vandersteen Treo’s , Vandy model 2’s and some Proac floor-standers, I cant recall the model. One of the best sounding amps I have ever heard. Made my Harbeth’s sound amazing. I have one on order and can’t wait to receive it. It will be replacing an Ayre AX-7e. Your Ax-5/20 is no slouch though, so I would definitely try to hear the Mimas in your system and see how they compare. 
 @joey54  congrats !!!! i know a guy w Quattro and the MIMAS on order...oh how spoiled he will be.......