How many of you had been to all 50 states of United States.

Most audiophiles enjoy staying at home with nice sound out of their system.

I had been to 39 states including Alaska and Hawaii.

I had not been to Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Alabama, Louisiana and Mississppi yet.

But I will go through North Carolina and South Carolina to audition the speakers next week.

So there will be only 9 states left.

Since I am a photographer, I can make excuse to visit those 9 states.

I wish to get Motor home and drive through all of them again except Hawaii some day.

It is not very practical to bring Motor home to Hawaii just for few days' trip.

It is not cold around Seattle during winter time.

But it rains too often.

I will visit Disney World in Florida with my family next Monday.

Then I will drive from Orlando to Charlotte, NC to audition the following speakers on 18th, Friday.

I consider driving this high efficiency speaker (105db/W) with my Silbatone 300B SET amp.

I will report my impression after serious audition at his showroom with 300B SET monoblocks.

@ elrod

You are close!

I recommend you to visit Fairbanks of AK during winter time to see Aurora yourself.

It will be amazing experience.

Way back in '71 my band got hired to play in the Officers Club on the Navy base on Kodiak Island (at the southern tip of Alaska). We drove from San Jose to Seattle, and were flown from there to Kodiak in a Navy prop jet. Worst flight of my life! Lots of turbulence, almost lost my lunch. The only stipulation was the requirement of a girl singer, so we hired one just for that gig.

Unfortunately, the Navy accidently sent the band equipment the other direction, so the first night we ended up drinking all evening instead of performing. The eq showed up the next day, and we then had an open bar for a week :-) . The snow was up to the window sills in the officers barracks we were put up in, so we just stuck our beers in the snow, and reached out the window for a new can. Play four sets, go back to the rooms and play Poker and Hearts 'til dawn.

Kodiak has, they say, the highest number of bars per capita in all the U.S., and I believe it; a couple on every block. The locals fish six months out of the year, and drink the other six.


Interesting Episode in Kodiak, 48 years ago!

I had dropped in Anchorage three times on stopover.

But I had lot of fun around Fairbanks twice each staying in 8 days to take photo of aurora.

It is worthwhile to visit Alaska at least once in a life time.

I f you enjoyed taking photographs of the aurora you must search the web for my friend the Aurora Hunter.  Todd was a petroleum geologist and we worked together in Anchorage in the  80s.  He quit the job to become  a photographer focusing on the lights.  I thought he was crazy, but he has done very well and his photos are amazing.  BTW we saw the Dirt Band together in Anchorage to bring a little music into the conversation.