Group delay in subwoofers

I understand the phenomenon of group delay when subwoofers are connected to a preamp and that they need to be placed approximately 8 ft closer to the listener than the mains.  Is this also the case when connecting a sub through the speaker level inputs from an amplifier or is group delay much less of an issue in this configuration?

For real and detailed information go to and get ready for some serious reading. Super informative and helpful.
I've read it and unless you have the tools and patience to be fanatical about it then you have to live with compromises which are clearly audible.
Jc4659, I spent the last 4 days dealing with sub setup and group delay. My experience was not to use the setup info from the manufacturer.  Did that and it was a waste of time. I did a lot of research and followed the advice given by and referenced other sources. The first and very important step is proper placement within the environment.  Once I found the sweet spot I again followed manufacturers instruction and again wasted my time. I then followed the instruction by and finally hit the nail and I'm now loving it. Enjoyed my fully properly integrated sub tonight from 5 to 7 pm. All the tools required were a tape measure, SPL meter and muscle power. information rocked my world.
@gillatgh I have the sound Doctor cd with all the low frequencies and have used the out of phase method to find the null zones.  Unfortunately the best location is unacceptable to my wife.  Like I said, it's all about compromises.  Congrats on dialing it in.  You know when it's right.
For sure compromises are part of the game. The trick is to get it as close as possible to the sweet spot. I was fortunate to find an acceptable sweet spot which also was aesthetically acceptable but it certainly is not dead on but within the zone. The result may not be the best it could be but it's close enough for awesome rendition. My point really was that manufacturer instruction will not get you there while information was free and very informative. That and their links to relevant info were invaluable to me