Linear tracking turntables, whatever happened?

Curious as to the demise and downfall of the seemingly short lived linear tracking TT.
Just from a geometry point of view I would have thought a linear arm should be superior to one with a fixed pivot that sweeps through an arc.
Obviously there is much more to it than that, sort of the reason for this thread.
I am genuinely interested in trying one out for myself as well.
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Just want to second all that Chris has said re highest vertical inertia based on my experiences. As Chris may recall, early on in the history of his thread I mentioned that a few years previously I had constructed a long I beam fashioned from balsa wood. Due to the, not exactly state of the art, ways that I had figured out to attach the I beam to the bearing tube it was not a permanent tweak. However, the experiment showed me that there were sonic benefits in doing what he described; particularly in the bass. Frankly, at the time the notion of “highest vertical mass” was not what drove me to try it. It was simply something that seemed logical to try. One of the reasons that I love this arm is that it invites experimentation and I make most setup adjustments based on what I hear with the “theory” secondary. There is a symmetry to the visual impression that the arm demonstrates with the longer I beam that (not meaning to get too Zen about it) seemed natural. Maybe I just got lucky. I recently got two of Bruce’s new and longer I beams each of a different spring compliance.
Thanks for the confirmation Frogman.

Eric - I don't want you or anyone else to misunderstand my US Cdn dollar comment. So let me add something.
Looking at myself, I have discovered I am the type of individual, that  when a good deal appears - the cash flows - its too hard for me to resist. Good deals rarely happen so when they do - if my instinct says so - I pounce on them.
Its never been about can I afford to buy item X at the current price. It's all about - if it a smokin' deal.

With the current environment - dollar exchange - there are no deals for Canadians - IMO . Remember also Dealers like to "tack" on an extra dollar exchange value, onto products as well, above their markup.
It is what it is.
To think my main speakers and Studer were purchased from the US when the Cdn dollar was worth more than US one.  

@ct0517 - Chris- (or so i gathered), here's a photo of the back end of the arm as set up. Counterweight is the stock part:
I never even knew that ET was literally just up the road from me, less than a 2 hour drive in all honesty.
Interesting indeed.
In fact the wealth of information I have gathered from this thread makes me glad I started it even though it did have a different slant to it upon conception.
Thanks to all so far.
Whart -  My understanding is that both weights work in concert. One does the locking ? Does Frank offer smaller weights to get you to the end of the rod with that cart ?