Best practices - cleaning contacts!

Hello audiophiles-

I’ve had my existing equipment for about 3 years and have never cleaned contacts.  Should I do this?  I am wondering what best products and practices are for doing so?  What’s your method?  How often do you do this?  Also do I clean just the input jacks or am I also cleaning banana plugs and jacks on interconnects and metal prongs on power cords?

(And in the immediate, I am just blowing pressurized air, but wondering if something more serious would be a good idea at some point.)

Please advise!  Thanks-
Should also clean AC plugs. Inside IEC AC plug..For the lazy, but willing, just the fat of unplugging and replugging helps a lot. SO for the lazy, but willing, this is a good idea maybe once a year.
For those with more interest and willing to do a little work...
Cleaning interconnects with alcohol using cotton wipes, Q-Tips.. (for inside the RCA barrel, pluck most of the cotton off, crush the paper stick with a pliers to work best. Then apply Caig "Gold’ (Deoxit usually is the 'Red Caig. the Gold is good, more for actual Gold or Rhodium plated, the Red is for bare copper) with the applicator brush and WIPE IT OFF. the ideal amount left is a few molecules thick... so if you can feel it, you left too much on’ Bare copper AC plugs can be cleaned better with a copper cleaner first. then use the Caif GOld.(I use an automotive product to clean AC plugs, Meguiare’s "Scratch X" Takes tarnish off copper great, and polishes it. Then I use Caig Pro gold. I do the INSIDE of the IEC plugs too. (even if plated) usually they are really dirty inside! For the IEC I again use Q-Tips, flattened with a pliers half the cotton removed.. Some Scratch X, then Gold.
If your speaker spades or bananas are bare copper. same treatment.
Once a year. maybe if lazy once every two years...
Thanks!  Elizabeth a few follow ups.  Lots of different Deoxit Golds—is this the one I want?

Could I use something like this on banana plugs etc?

I’m a bit confused by the difference between 5% and 100% solution.

Also what are you using to wipe off excess?  Q tip?  Would a pipe cleaner also work?

